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SRVUMC Brian McLaren Event

March 2 @ 1:30 am - 4:00 pm

Please read event page for text on the flyer. Flyer features the cover of the book Life After Doon and a photo of author Brian McLaren.

The San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church invites members of our community to a Sunday afternoon lecture and Q&A by noted author Brian D. McLaren about living humanely while facing the reality of the climate crisis.  The goal is to encourage community dialogue and increase local awareness and action.

McLaren, acclaimed author, speaker, and activist, pulls no punches in addressing frightening realities of our time that center on climate change and consequent economic and civilizational upheaval.  He writes that “we humans have made a mess of our civilization and our planet, and not enough of us seem to care enough to change deeply enough or quickly enough to save ourselves.”

On Sunday, March 2, 1:30-4:00 pm, McLaren will talk about his most recent book, Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart, in which he addresses our response to ecological overreach.  While forms of denial might be the most common response, McLaren opts for facing reality and embracing the complexity of hope, the necessity of grief, and the need for new ways of becoming and belonging in turbulent times.

The event includes audience engagement, book-signing (4:00-5:00 PM), and networking with local environmental groups.  It is hosted by San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church at 902 Danville Rd., Alamo.

For more information see www.srvumc.org/brianmclaren.


San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church
902 Danville Blvd
Alamo, CA 94507 United States
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